Yellowstep B2B Marketing Performance Blog | Inbound marketing and sales articles

Finally...a simple explanation about how content can help you sell more

Written by The Yellowstep Team | 04-Aug-2016 09:30:00

We've been banging on about inbound sales for a while now - it's something we practice ourselves, and recommend for our clients.

The theory of inbound sales is spot on - the problem is the jargon that surrounds it....There's 'inbound sales', or 'consultative selling' (the approach itself), 'sales and marketing alignment', 'SLAs' and our personal bug bear...'smarketing', (how to integrate it) and let's not even get started on 'sales enablement' - (in a nutshell using marketing technology to gather data, enabling salespeople to have better informed, more contextual conversations.)

Enough jargon, as you can see, we've found it can be a challenge to articulate the benefits of inbound sales clearly and succinctly...until now. 

Although it's a couple of years old, this great infographic from Salesforce and Kapost will tell you everything you need to know about the theory of inbound sales - or to put it simply, how content can transform the salesperson/prospect relationship to help you convert more leads and secure more deals.

 Phew, wasn't that easy?!

Ready to get started? The key to inbound sales success (much like inbound marketing)'ve guessed it...quality content. 

Make sure your content strategy is up to scratch first by downloading our free blueprint below.

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