Thomas Cox By Thomas Cox • September 20, 2018

What sales prospects want vs what they usually get [Infographic]

In a world where Netflix gives you recommendations for shows you'll love, and Spotify gives you 'Discover weekly' playlists, it's about time B2B marketers and salespeople took personalisation seriously.

To cut through the noise, many businesses need to shake off old, ineffective habits in favour of forward-thinking, technology-led tactics that don't just put your product or service in a good light, but build your reputation as a B2B thought leader. 

Today, buyers have no patience for generic pitches at inconvenient times. They want to do the research themselves. They want to be helped, not sold to. And they want content to help them make their decision.

Buyers want sales and marketing experiences that are focused on them, not you.

Take a look below at some of the ways you can engage modern B2B sales prospects, and what many businesses are currently doing instead:




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